Go-Jek to venture into taxi hailing app business with Go-Car

Go-Jek has added its “Go” prefix on a wide array of services, like Go-Food, Go-Send, and even Go-Massage (yes, please). It looks like they’re going to add one more service to that list: Go-Car.

You probably guessed by its name that Go-Car is some sort of private car hailing service. But, according to Jakarta Transportation Agency Head Andri Yansyah, who recently met with Go-Jek to discuss plans for the new service, Go-Car is going to be more like GrabTaxi than Uber or GrabCar.

“They asked me about the processes involved in creating Go-Car. They said they want to work together with official taxi companies. I said that’s fine, we’ll help facilitate that,” he said, as quoted by BeritaSatu yesterday.

Go-Car will likely function similarly to GrabTaxi, a service within the Grab app that allows users to hail conventional taxis that have partnered with the service. With Grabtaxi, users are charged using fares set by the taxi company, not the app.

If Go-Car happens, then it could help bring more passengers to conventional taxis. It could also help alleviate concerns that car-hailing apps like Uber and GrabCar are taking away passengers, and, consequently, the livelihoods of traditional taxi drivers in Jakarta – many of whom took to the streets last week in violent protests against Uber and its rivals.

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