Video: Watch adorable North Korean schoolgirls singing patriotic Indonesian songs

Indonesia has a weirdly close relationship with the secretive totalitarian state of North Korea. The government invited North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un to the Bandung Conference last April (he didn’t come), they sent a pair of orangutans to the Pyongyang Zoo as a gesture of goodwill and, most infamously, the Sukarno Foundation recently awarded King Jong-Un the the Sukarno Award for “global statesmanship.”

But what has North Korea done for Indonesia?

Well, they did get this classroom full of adorable music school students to sing a lively and enthusiastic version of ‘Tanah Airku’, complete with accordion and drum accompaniment.

According to the YouTube description, the song was sung by students of Ryulgok Music School in Pyongyang, North Korea, to honor the visiting Ambassador of Indonesia.

Students of the music school also appeared and sang songs from Indonesia at the Celebration of 50 Years of Diplomatic Relations between Indonesia and North Korea on April 9 and also at a celebration of Indonesia’s 70th anniversary held in Pyongyang on August 18, 2015.

The videos were uploaded by Jaka Parker, an Indonesian living in Pyongyang. He has a fascinating blog and Instagram feed where you can some unique insights into life in North Korea.

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