4 Halloween costume ideas for men inspired by Indonesian horror movies

We’ve done one for the ladies, so now it’s the gentlemen’s turn to be inspired by our Halloween costume ideas. 

Male Indonesian ghosts are hard to come by in recent horror movies (they’re mostly dominated by scantily clad female ghosts), so we had to dig deep to find costume ideas for men.

Some of the most frightening ghosts or zombies were from old-ish movies, but we’ll start with a memorable human character from one of the most famous Indonesian movies in recent times:

Tama Riyadi from ‘The Raid: Redemption’

We’ll never forget how Tama Riyadi (played by Ray Sahetapy) was first introduced in Gareth Evans’ ‘The Raid: Redemption’ (which is not exactly a horror movie, but has more blood and gore than the vast majority of Indonesian scary movies).

The middle-aged Tama first entered the scene wearing nothing but a wife beater and shorts while eating mie goreng (even though he’s a crime lord – everybody loves mie goreng).

But with a frightening cool, he strolled up to his kneeling, captured enemies, grabbed a gun, and shot three of them in the head like it was nothing. When he ran out of bullets, he grabbed a sledgehammer and whacked the fourth victim to a bloody pulp.

​(Check out 06:08 – 07:43)

Tama is a ruthless badass indeed, and he fully deserves the honor of being made into a Halloween costume (a really simple one at that).

Ray Sahetapy was so convincing in this role that he gained Hollywood’s notice and is set to appear in sure-to-be blockbuster ‘Captain America: Civil War’ next year. 


The headless ghost from ‘Hantu Jeruk Purut’

The Jeruk Purut cemetery ghost is one of the most famous urban legends in the capital, and it was made into a movie in 2006.

Legend has it that a pastor was killed while trying to save a woman from being raped. His killer, the rapist, stole the pastor’s clothes in order to fool citizens. But fooled they were not – locals captured and beheaded the criminal.

His spirit is said to roam the Jeruk Purut cemetery in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. He can apparently be spotted every Friday night, but only by an odd-numbered group of people. Lucky for us, Halloween falls on a Saturday this year.

In any case, you can totally pull off the headless look by referring to this tutorial. If you decide on this costume, we dare you to spend Halloween at Jeruk Purut cemetery. 

Kafir (2002)

Some Indonesian witchdoctors are just insanely creepy. One of the creepiest is Kuntet (played by Sujiwo Tejo) in the horror flick ‘Kafir’ from 2002.

Kuntet was accused by villagers of killing small children to practice his black magic. But he denied doing so and swore that if he did, then the earth wouldn’t accept his body when he was buried.

True enough, Kuntet’s spirit couldn’t rest easy after his death and he always returned to destroy all that he worked for during his life, as well as to perform weird dances like this:

Copying Kuntet’s outfit by itself isn’t scary at all. To do him justice, you’d have to do his dance as well, down to the googly eyes and everything.

Makhluk Dari Kubur (the creature from beyond the grave)

This movie from 1991 tells the story of a man who steals from others after he morphs into a ‘babi ngepet’, which we’ll roughly translate here as “pig-man”.

The villagers soon realized what pig-man was up to, so they killed him and banished his family from the village. Pig-man’s black magic master wasn’t happy with the villagers’ harsh treatment of his student, so he brought pig-man back to life to look like the creature in the photo above. It’s safe to say the villagers shit their pants after seeing that.

You too can look as monstrous by making your own scars with the help of this tutorial

Or, if you really want to dress up as pig-man, you can buy this terrifying pig mask from Amazon. But please, don’t wear it after Halloween.

So gents, with excellent references like these, there’s no reason not to costume yourself creatively this Halloween. Remember, there’s nothing scarier than showing up to a Halloween party with a lame costume.

This article was reprinted from Coconuts Indonesia.

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