Bogor hardline group member allegedly shot dead while carrying out morality raid on kost

It’s very common in Indonesia for certain hardline groups to act as self-appointed morality police and carry out raids in establishments such as clubs, karaoke bars and even kosts (boarding houses) during the holy month of Ramadan. It is rare that these “sweeps”, as they are often referred, become violent, but one man died during a raid on a kost in Bogor last night.

According to witness reports, members of a local hardline group called Benteng Bogor Raya (BBR) were sweeping a kost in Pasir Jambu Village in the Bogor Regency for unwed couples who were sleeping together. As they were going door to door, they came across a man who did not appreciate their sweeping through the building. After a heated argument, the man allegedly pulled out a firearm and shot one of the BBR members in the head, killing him.

The shooter fled the premises immediately afterwards and his identity is still unknown. The police were also unable to find a bullet casing at the crime scene.

“We don’t know the motive. We’re still looking into it. The victim has a wound in the eye, but we don’t know if it’s from gunfire or not, there was only witness that said they heard gunfire,” said Police Commissioner Mujiyanto, head of Operations at the Bogor Police, as quoted by Okezone today.

The victim’s body, identified as belonging to 35 year-old BBR member Endang, was taken to Kramat Jati Police Hospital for an autopsy.

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