Hoax: social media rumors of new Rp 200K note quashed by Bank Indonesia

We don’t know about you, but we’d rather be rolling in a pool of Rp 200K bank notes than Rp 100K notes because it would be double the fun.

We briefly thought that was a possibility when an image of Rp 200K bills went viral on social media recently.

That is, until we noticed that the bills featured what looked like a couple of polo riders, which goes against the tradition of putting the face of at least one historical figure on rupiah bills.

It turns out that the viral image was indeed just a hoax, as clarified by Bank Indonesia, the country’s central bank.

In regards to the information that has spread about the Rp 200,000 bills, Bank Indonesia clarifies that such information is false.

Shame. In that case then, who’d like to dive into our pool of Rp 100K bills?

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