​Tuhan arrives in Jakarta, still prefers his quaint Banyuwangi hometown

Tuhan doesn’t like Jakarta. But that’s ok, it’s not like he’s going to smite us with his wrath, because the Tuhan we’re talking about is the 42-year-old carpenter from Banyuwangi, East Java. 

Tuhan (which directly translates to ‘God’ in Indonesian), has received nationwide fame because of his peculiar name. For that reason, he is currently in Jakarta after being invited by the media to make the rounds on the talk show circuit.

So what does Tuhan have to say about our fine city?

“I’m overwhelmed by the crowds and the majesty of Jakarta,” Tuhan said, as quoted by Tempo last night. 

“I prefer living in Banyuwangi. The air is cleaner.”

Well, we have to agree with Tuhan on Jakarta’s air pollution problem. If only this Tuhan had the power to magically clean up the capital since it seems like the other Tuhan has left us to deal with our own mess.

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